Wayfinding designs to be presented Monday

Published 6:00 pm Saturday, August 23, 2014

CITY OF WASHINGTON | CONTRIBUTED DESIGN OPTIONS: Deep Fried Creative, working in partnership with the City of Washington, will present the final designs of the city’s Wayfinding Program at Monday’s city council meeting.

DESIGN OPTIONS: Deep Fried Creative, working in partnership with the City of Washington, will present the final designs of the city’s Wayfinding Program at Monday’s city council meeting.


Monday, advertising consultants will present their final designs for the Wayfinding Program, a signature signage project meant to direct visitors around Washington, and direct visitor dollars where they have the most impact.

A local agency, Deep Fried Creative Advertising, working in partnership with the city on the project, will submit their Wayfinding concept to city council. The project began in 2013 and with the help of a steering committee and public input through an online survey, the agency has finalized its design.

The design of new signs that will be strategically placed throughout the city started with planning: determining the entrances and gateways to the city; determining destinations — what places people need to find; determining destinations — what paths visitors need to take; and identifying the key locations where visitors are likely to need assistance in choosing a direction.

The project invited public participation: 137 people weighed in on the online questionnaire in which they were asked to judge two design concepts. A majority of those taking part in the survey preferred a more modern design (Concept B) over a historical design (Concept A), and judged Concept B a better representation of the City of Washington. When given the opportunity to rate the visual elements they thought important, location of the signs and driver readability were ranked most important over signage color scheme, the size and shape of the signs and the quantity.

Survey participants were given the opportunity to comment on the design concepts. “I believe this will show who we are as a city and a community. Most importantly, it shows what city they are in, if they have never been here before,” wrote one participant. Another commented, “Keep it simple; utilize all monies wisely; the signs are for information and direction. Keep that foremost and make it easy for the traveler.”

The final design is a blend of the historic and modern design options offered in the survey.

“Many concerns expressed by the public are addressed by blending aspects of the two initial options presented,” the report from Deep Fried Creative states.

Also on Monday night’s agenda, Lynn Wingate, executive director of Washington Tourism Development Authority will present new marketing strategies for the city and the city will discuss acceptance of a FEMA Firefighters Grant for $50,000. The funds are slated to be used to install a vehicle exhaust system in Fire Station No. 1 on North Market Street.

To see the council’s agenda, or view the final draft of proposed signs for the Wayfinding Program, visit the City of Washington website: