Club News: Washington (Evening) Rotary Club, Sept. 7, 2014
Published 5:37 pm Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pictured are Brad Davis (left) with District Governor Lee Adams.
The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday night at the Washington Yacht and Country Club. President Brad Davis began the meeting by leading in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing of America; a prayer of thanks was given by Rotarian Bruce Rabon. Davis then called upon Assistant Governor Spencer Stanley to introduce the speaker, Lee Martin Adams, who is the Rotary District Governor for the area. Governor Adams spoke about the District’s plan to sponsor a literacy program in Guatemala. President Davis then surprised the Governor by presenting her with a generous check in support of the literacy effort in Guatemala. She went on to challenge the Washington Rotary Club to meet and exceed the club’s past contributions to the Rotary Foundation which was among the highest in the District last year. The Governor also gave each Rotarian a lapel pen with the Rotary theme of the year, “Light up Rotary,” and presented President Davis with a banner with the theme on it as well.
Rotarian Ashley Woolard gave the Health and Happiness report.
President Davis recognized Ed Adams, husband of the District Governor; visiting Rotarian Stan White and guest Gary Brinn.
Following a delicious chicken dinner, the Rotarians concluded the meeting by reciting the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.