Arts Salon is Saturday’s feature presentation at the Turnage

Published 6:20 pm Saturday, September 27, 2014

BEAUFORT COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL | CONTRIBUTED ON THE MAINSTAGE: “PASSION: A SALON” is the next featured presentation in the Beaufort County Arts Council’s MainStage series at the Turnage Theater.

ON THE MAINSTAGE: “PASSION: A SALON” is the next featured presentation in the Beaufort County Arts Council’s MainStage series at the Turnage Theater.

From the Beaufort County Arts Council


The Beaufort County Arts Council will present PASSION: A SALON at the Turnage Theater on Saturday. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 general admission with reserved seating ($12 for BCAC members) and can be purchased at or at the BCAC box office at the Turnage at 150 W. Main St. in downtown Washington.

According to BCAC Executive Director Joey Toler, this event will be something different for the theater’s patrons.

“‘Salon’ is a somewhat old-fashioned term for when many different types of artists would gather, usually in someone’s living room, to sing, dance, read poetry or plays, play music — anything you could imagine. This will be our version of a 21st-century arts salon,” Toler said. “It could also be described as a more casual version of a variety show.”

Produced by Richard Kraweic and Jacar Press, the evening will showcase a variety of talent.

Hosting the evening’s events will be Anita Woodley, in character as the 100-year-old Grandma from her solo show “Mama Juggs,” along with Beverly Fields Burnette, in character as literary giant Zora Neale Hurston.

Other featured talent will include the up-tempo Nueva Latina sounds of Ed Stephenson and the Paco Band along with Tango, flamenco and modern dance by Diego Schoch, Sarah Shelton and Pamela L. Taylor. Singer Lori Mahl will cover Broadway tunes, and spoken story poet Anna Weaver will complete the “Passion” experience.

The audience will also be expected to play an important role in the evening’s events. Participation will be encouraged, and the players will interact with audience members in the true meaning of a “salon.”

For more information about this and other events in BCAC’s inaugural Fall MainStage Series, call 252-946-2504.