John Cotton Tayloe students learn important lesson about proper hand washing
Published 6:37 pm Friday, November 28, 2014

GERM-FREE: At John Cotten Tayloe Elementary School, Physical Education Teacher, Glenn Crocker and school nurse Jan Rowe have collaborated to provide an important lesson for their students. They are providing instruction regarding proper hand washing, which when performed correctly, significantly reduces incidence of sickness.
Hand hygiene is an imperative step in the prevention of germ transmission. Keeping hands clean through proper hand washing etiquette is the most effective way to reduce the amount of microorganisms on the surface of the hands.
When is it important to wash your hands?
Before preparing food
Before eating food
After visiting the restroom
After contact with animals
After providing care to someone who is sick
After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
What is the correct way to wash your hands?
Wet your hands with water.
Apply soap to your wet hands.
Later and scrub all surfaces of your hands, paying close attention to fingernails, nail beds, and in between fingers. Scrub for 20 seconds.
Rinse well under running water.
Dry your hands with a paper towel or clean towel.
Use your towel to turn your tap off.
Washing hands is an easy way to prevent sickness for yourself and others. It reduces absence at school and work when performed properly. It is important to practice good hand washing in every environment.