Dishing the Dirt with the Extension Master Gardeners: Holiday gardening
Published 7:55 pm Monday, December 8, 2014
The holidays are upon us and thoughts of sugarplums are replacing gardening ones. While our focus may be more indoors, it is also the season for giving and receiving. Holiday plants are a welcome gift to give and receive and can add color and interest to your holiday decorations. With a little TLC they can also linger, long after the season has passed.
The red poinsettia still reigns supreme among flowering holiday plants. Yet, poinsettias are more than the traditional red, flat-bracted blooms. Today, poinsettias come in a range of colors, including shades of red, pink, white, yellow and purple. There are speckled ones and curly flowered ones called Christmas Rose. They come in the standard four-inch pot, or in miniature or large tree forms. There truly is a poinsettia for every home.
If you want to branch out, there are many other plants besides Christmas trees and poinsettia that can add cheer to the inner landscape. Here are a few to consider:
Amaryllis are sold from the dry bulb stage to the bloom stage. For the longest enjoyment, start your own bulb or choose one just beginning to show color. If they are in full bloom when you get them, they may not last too long. With a little care, amaryllis bulbs can and re-bloom each season, much easier than with most other blooming seasonal plants. Check out for more information.
The florist azalea is different than those we plant outdoors. Keep it cool and in indirect bright light. This flower too can last for four to six weeks, with the spectacular green foliage lasting much longer. While many gardeners attempt planting these outdoors, many don’t survive the winter.
Cyclamen plants come in a range of reds, pinks and whites. These plants grow from small bulbs called corms. They prefer cool temperatures, and will decline quickly if kept warm day and night. They prefer bright light and even moisture. Too much water can cause the bulbs to rot. While many toss the plants after bloom, they can re-bloom with proper care. As the foliage begins to die back, withhold water for a few months. After a rest period, gradually begin to add water. When you see signs of new growth, increase water and sunlight.
Holiday cacti are also readily available. While some call them Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus, these blooming cacti can give enjoyment year after year. Once it is in bloom, it will last longest in indirect light with even moisture. Leading up to bloom it needs cool nights and sunny days.
Kalanchoe is a succulent plant with a long blooming cluster of flowers. Flower color ranges from reds and oranges to yellows and whites. Kalanchoe do best with short days and long nights and warm, dry conditions. Don’t overwater this plant.
Paperwhite narcissus makes a lovely forced cluster of white blossoms. Often they come artfully arranged with greenery and berries. Like the amaryllis, they are available in all stages, from dried bulbs to blooming plants. Enjoy them while they last, and then move on to something else. Re-blooming is not advised.
With just minimal care, these seasonal favorites are sure to add a boost to any holiday décor. In general, to ensure the flowers last the longest, keep holiday blooming plants in a cool room with bright, indirect light. Make sure you have an even supply of water, but avoid overwatering, which is most common. Warm rooms can cause flowers to fade quickly.
With so many choices to choose from, why not select several? The information for this article is given courtesy of the Extension Master Gardeners who are volunteers under direction of the Beaufort County Cooperative Extension. They are available to answer your questions concerning lawns, vegetables, trees, ornamentals, fruits, plant problems and diseases, pests, soil and many other horticulture issues relating to gardening in North Carolina. Reach a Master Gardener through the hotline at 252-946-0111 where you can leave a voice message or email the Master Gardeners your question at and a Volunteer will respond to you inquiries.
The Beaufort County Cooperative Extension will hold a Master Gardeners class beginning January 5, 2015. Call 252-946-0111 to learn more about this opportunity.
Laura Staton is a certified Master Gardener volunteer.
Gardening Calendar December
Lawn Care
• Maintain cool season grasses by mowing as needed.
• Keep tree leaves from collecting on your lawn.
• Spread ashes from the fireplace around gardens and bulb beds where soil pH is below 6.0. Avoid acid-loving plants. (3 lbs of ash = 1 lb of limestone)
• Fertilize houseplants as needed.
• Prune berry-producing plants, if berries are desired in table arrangements over the holidays.
• Cut back herbaceous perennials after the frost kills the tops.
• Any dead or diseased wood can be pruned out anytime of the year.
• Weeds or unnecessary trees should be removed from the landscape.
• None
Other Activities
• Keep your Christmas tree in water and away from heat sources.
• Poinsettias should be placed in the sunniest room in the house.
• If you have received your soil recommendations, apply lime as suggested. Don’t apply fertilizer until spring.
• Order fruit trees and grape vines now if you wish to plant them in February and March.
• Cover strawberries with pine straw or wheat barley to protect them from the cold.
• Continue putting the leaves from your yard into a compost bin.
• If you cover your shrubs, be cautious and use only burlap or white plastic.