Eastern Elementary teachers achieve Balanced Literacy Model Classroom status
Published 5:58 pm Friday, January 2, 2015
LITERACY ACHIEVEMENT: Three kindergarten teachers from Eastern Elementary School have successfully achieved Balanced Literacy Model Classroom status. The teachers are: Kim Jacobson, Gina Resendez and Jennifer Walker. These teachers volunteered for this process and have worked diligently to achieve this goal since the end of the 2013-2014 school year. All three teachers focused on meeting the diverse needs of all students in their classrooms and also incorporated the five domains of reading. The goals for the teachers are to teach the five domains of reading through whole group instruction, small group instruction and differentiated literacy stations during a 90-minute literacy block as outlined in the Balanced Literacy Model Classroom checklist. Literacy specialists observed these outstanding teachers several times and followed up with numerous conversations about the goals for literacy instruction in their classrooms. Pictured here, (left to right) Walker, Jacobson and Resendez, Kindergarten teachers at Eastern Elementary School, celebrated receiving Balanced Literacy Model Classroom Status just before going on Christmas break.