BCCC Briefs, Jan. 4, 2015
Published 3:32 pm Saturday, January 3, 2015
Sewing for Fun offered by BCCC
Beaufort County Community College’s popular sewing class is back on the schedule for winter with an extended number of meeting days in a day class that will enable participants to complete more projects and gain additional knowledge!
A day class will be offered from 9 a.m. to noon Thursdays beginning Jan. 29 and ending April 2. An evening class will be 6 to 9 p.m. Thursdays beginning Feb. 5 and ending March 12. Both classes will meet in Room 830 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus.
The registration fee for the day class is $70 and for the evening class, $40.
These classes are designed to accommodate students with all levels of sewing ability. Beginning, intermediate and advanced students are welcome.
Students will complete projects of their choice as they learn to sew or improve existing skills. Through personalized instruction, students will learn about fabric and pattern selection; the principles of cutting, marking and basic construction, and sewing darts, seams, sleeves, hems, pockets, buttonholes and more.
Sewing machines will be available for student use; however, students are encouraged to bring their own sewing machines. The instructor is Linda Batchelor.
For more information about BCCC’s Personal Enrichment Program, contact Clay Carter, director, at 940-6357 or by email at clay.carter@beaufortccc.edu.
Students may register by calling 252-940-6375 or in person in room 802 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. BCCC accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Checks payable to Beaufort County Community College may be mailed to the attention of Eva Peartree, 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington, NC 27889.
For more information about other Continuing Education classes, visit BCCC’s Website at www.beaufortccc.edu/coned/contin.htm.
BCCC offers workshop in business plan writing
Starting a small business is often a challenge, but Beaufort County Community College’s Business and Industry Services can make the process easier by helping budding entrepreneurs write a business plan.
A workshop, “How to Write a Business Plan,” will be held 3 to 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 12, in Room 828 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. The seminar is free of charge but pre-registration is encouraged so that the college can adequately prepare materials.
A business plan is the foundation for success when future business owners are deciding whether to start a new business or buy an existing business. It is also a valuable tool for entrepreneurs seeking financing for their businesses. Volunteers from SCORE will discuss writing a business plan, finding the required information, issues to be aware of when writing the plan and how to find help with the plan.
The seminar is sponsored by BCCC’s Business and Industry Services, the Washington/Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce and SCORE. It is part of the Small Business Center Core Curriculum for prospective and current business owners.
To register for the workshop, contact BCCC’s Business and Industry Services at 940-6375 or email Eva Peartree at evap@beaufortccc.edu or Lentz Stowe, director of BCCC’s Business and Industry Services at 252-940-6306 or by email at lentzs@beaufortccc.edu. During the Christmas and New Year’s holiday, leave a message and your telephone call will be returned.
The BCCC Small Business Center is part of the N.C. Community College’s Small Business Center Network. This network assists in starting an average of more than 650 businesses each year. Small Business Centers statewide help create and retain over 3,000 jobs annually.
For more information about other services offered by BCCC’s Business and Industry Services’ Small Business Center, including targeted seminars for business owners, visit BCCC’s Website at www.beaufortccc.edu/coned/contin.htm.
BCCC offers Pharmacy Technician Certification Training
The Division of Continuing Education at Beaufort County Community College will offer a course in Pharmacy Technician Certification Training beginning Tuesday, Feb. 10, on the BCCC campus.
The 45-hour course is designed to prepare students to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam and enter the pharmacy field as a Pharmacy Technician I. Course content includes medical terminology specific to pharmacy, reading and interpreting prescriptions and defining drugs by generic and brand names. Students will learn how to calculate dosages, intravenous flow rates as well as compounding, dose conversions, dispensing of prescriptions, inventory control and billing and reimbursement procedures. While several exam options may be discussed, this course is geared to the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s PTCB Exam.
The registration fee is $125 with the required textbook available in the BCCC Bookstore, located in Building 5, for an estimated cost of $79.51. Books should be purchased before the first night of class. Students should also purchase a one-inch, three-ring binder.
The class will meet 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays through March 31 in Room 1218 of Building 12 on the BCCC campus. Class size is limited to 15 students and registration is required before the first night of class.
Funding assistance may be available through your local NCWorks Center, formerly known as JobLink. For more information and an eligibility assessment, please contact your local NCWorks Center.
A limited number of scholarships may also be available. For questions about scholarship availability, contact Sue Gurley, Heathcare Programs Coordinator, at 252-940-6263.
For other questions about the class, contact Gurley. Students may register by calling 940-6375 or in person in Room 802 of Building 8 on the BCCC campus. BCCC accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Checks payable to Beaufort County Community College may be mailed to the attention of Eva Peartree, 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington, N.C. 27889.
For more information about other classes offered by the Division of Continuing Education, visit BCCC’s Website at www.beaufortccc.edu/coned/contin.htm.