Arc of Beaufort County installs new officers

Published 7:09 pm Saturday, February 21, 2015

SANDRA BUCKMAN | ARC ARC INSTALLATION: New officers for 2015 were installed at the January Arc board meeting. left to right are: Lisa Hill, president; Pam Smith, vice president; Sandra Buckman, executive director; Allison Crisp, secretary and Marvin Alligood, treasurer. The Arc of Beaufort County is a local chapter under The Arc of the US and The Arc of NC. This organization has been working with and for people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities for over 50 years. People in special education classrooms, group homes and in our local community have been given support and assistance by The Arc of Beaufort County. The Arc of BC is a United Way member agency and is located at 1534 W. Fifth St., Washington, in the Beaufort County Developmental Center Complex.

ARC INSTALLATION: New officers for 2015 were installed at the January Arc board meeting. left to right are: Lisa Hill, president; Pam Smith, vice president; Sandra Buckman, executive director; Allison Crisp, secretary and Marvin Alligood, treasurer. The Arc of Beaufort County is a local chapter under The Arc of the US and The Arc of NC. This organization has been working with and for people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities for over 50 years. People in special education classrooms, group homes and in our local community have been given support and assistance by The Arc of Beaufort County. The Arc of BC is a United Way member agency and is located at 1534 W. Fifth St., Washington, in the Beaufort County Developmental Center Complex.