CMS students and faculty participate in beautification of school campus
Published 7:57 pm Thursday, May 7, 2015

CAMPUS BEAUTIFICATION: As the culminating event of a project that began in the fall with a NC Beautiful grant, written by teacher Jim Wood, Chocowinity Middle School spent the better part of April 2 and 3 working to finalize landscaping improvements to the front of the school. Students worked on clearing the beds around the media center and preparing the ground for planting on April 2, and teachers, parents, and students came out on April 3 as part of the teacher workday to finish the planting and mulching of the beds. Pictured (above, left) Jim Wood, author of the NC Beautiful grant, readies a bed for improvements. Students (below) work to clean out old mulch and widen the flowerbeds around the media center at CMS. Volunteers (above, right) on Friday help to plant roses and small shrubs in the newly enlarged beds.