Beaufort County 4-H
Published 4:01 pm Sunday, June 7, 2015

MASTER CHEF: Little Rod Brown took home a bronze medal for his grilled pork chops at the district-level 4-H contest on May 30.
Twenty-four outstanding youth from Beaufort County participated in the district-level 4-H contest and they were rewarded with 21 gold, silver or bronze medals. The following were presenters: Kylie Bowden, Careers & Entrepreneurship 9-10, “Veterinary Medicine, Cats Dogs and so much More…”, gold medalist; Little Rod Brown, Pork Chargrill 11-13, “To Make the Best Better Grilled Pork Chops,” bronze medalist; Monique Brown, Public Speaking 14-18, “Stay in School,” silver medalist; Ethan Carrow, Electric 11-13, “AC/DC Power,” silver medalist; Caitlin Cartwright, Fruit & Vegetable Use 14-18, “Chillin’ with Caitlin’s Vegetable Soup,” gold medalist; Kaleb Davis, Foods and Nutrition 14-18, “Re-Think Your Drink” (promoting water and 100-percent juice and skim milk), gold medalist; Chasity Ebron, Bugs & Bees 14-18, “Butterflies;” John Hinsley, Citizenship & Community Service 11-13, “Who’s Hungry?” (Manna Ministries), gold medalist; Annabelle Howdy, Citizenship & Community Service 9-10, “Volunteer at the Local Animal Shelter,” gold medalist; Iyanna Langley, Arts & Communications 9-10, “Three Styles of Dance,” silver medalist; RJ Langley, Public Speaking 9-10, silver medalist; Mason Lee, Beef Chargrill 9-10, “Home grown Rib eye” (from a steer he raised), bronze medalist; Lydia Mitchell, Hospitality, Etiquette & Social Graces 11-13, “Cell Phone Etiquette,” gold medalist; Jayden Roberson, Cloverbuds 7-8, “My Horse’s Feet,” participation ribbon; Kyndall Seger, Poultry 11-13, “Dubbing Chickens,” gold medalist; Deaja Smith, Health & Fitness 11-13, “Your Sparkling Smile” dental health; Sherfield Smith, Arts & Communications 11-13, “Communication through Music,” bronze medalist; Jarrett Sosebee, Electric 14-18, “Jacob’s Ladder” demonstration, gold medalist; Tyler Sosebee, Turkey Chargrill 11-13, “Tyler’s Twisted Lemon Turkey Chops,” gold medalist; Breonce Thompson, Egg Cookery 11-13, “Eggscellent Egg Salad,” gold medalist; Deliyah Thompson, Dairy Foods 11-13, “Let’s Shake Up History” demonstration making a smoothie, gold medalist; Destiny Thompson, Small & Companion Animals 14-18, “How to Select a Dog,” gold medalist; Keiona Worsley, Hospitality, Etiquette & Social Graces, “Dining Do’s and Don’ts,” gold medalist; and Lillian Worsley, Family & Consumer Sciences 14-18, “Safety while Babysitting,” gold medalist.

GOLD MEDALISTS: (Left to right) Caitlin Cartwright, Jarrett Sosebee and Tyler Sosebee earned gold medals for their presentations at the 4-H district-level contest on May 30.
The event was held at Franklinton High School, north of Wake Forest, on May 30. Beaufort County had over 70 people in attendance. The NE District is comprised of 22 counties in the northeast part of North C.arolina. Youth present a 5-12 minute oral presentation either and illustrated talk or a demonstration. In addition, youth could compete in outdoor cookery (max. time two hours) where they grill either chicken halves, turkey cutlets, pork or beef.
Youth must be 9-19 to compete. Youth ages 5-8 are in the Cloverbud division and the all receive a participation ribbon. All 9-10 gold medalists and all youth 11-19 gold and silver medalists will compete in state finals on July 18 at N.C. State University. Beaufort County will have 16 youth in state competition!
For more information about 4-H, contact the Beaufort County Center of the N.C. Cooperative Extension at 252-946-0111 and ask for Extension 4-H Agents Erin Massie or Louise Hinsley.