A to Z Doll Club, Aug. 9, 2015
Published 8:14 pm Saturday, August 8, 2015
The A to Z Doll Club met July 27 at the Golden Corral in Washngton. Present were Betty Ross, Shirley Woolard, Martha Robbins, Gloria Windley, Patricia Harris, Rebecca Ward, Joyce Carawan, Marguerite Ferry, Donna Hodges and Martha Seighman. Guests included Brooke and Briley Hodges and Susan Spaanbroek, guest of Martha Robbins.
The group sang Happy Birthday to Brooke (5 years old). She starts kindergarten in August and will miss attending Doll Club meetings.
An overnight trip to Richmond for a doll show was discussed. Anyone wishing to attend should speak with Diana about room reservations and travel arrangements.
Martha R. is in contact with vendors who have American Girl dolls and or clothes for these dolls for sale. Also anticipated are vendors who do doll restorations and doll appraisals.
Shirley Woolard showed the doll for the raffle — a Marie Osmond doll named Strawberries and Cream. A second doll may be offered in the raffle. Tickets will be available at the August meeting.
Shirley brought a copy of the 1998 OPUS Magazine published by students at Washington High School. Included in this issue was an article about Gloria Windley and her doll collection. She mentioned that the A to Z Doll club was founded in 1980 by Anne Scott. The name was chosen from two suggested: The Washington “Dollers” and the A to Z Doll Club, which represented the gamut of dolls to be collected.
Show and tell participants included Betty, Patricia, Joyce, Martha S, Marguerite, Martha R and guest Susan. Betty’s centerpiece was a depiction of a cottage with light-up trees.
The next meeting will be Aug. 24 and the show and tell theme will be back-to-school dolls.
Anyone interested in dolls and doll collecting is encouraged to attend the meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Washington.