Club news: Aug. 23, 2015
Published 8:26 pm Saturday, August 22, 2015
The Down East Seniors Club held its Aug. 19 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Stewart Rumley led the meeting. Bill Cheshire led the singing of “God Bless America” and Charlie Mike Smith gave the invocation. Dick Robinson provided humor.
President Rumley introduced Marty Paramore, Clerk of Beaufort County Superior Court. Paramore spoke about guardians for legally incompetent adults. Any interested individual or the Department of Social Services may petition to have someone to be declared incompetent. They have to complete a state-issued form requesting this and submit it to the Clerk’s Office. The Clerk will then hold a hearing with all interested parties present to determine if there is sufficient basis for declaring the subject incompetent according to the law. If he determines that there is sufficient evidence of incompetence, he then has to appoint a guardian for the incompetent individual. The guardian is charged with making decisions for the incompetent individual in his best interest. A guardian may determine only healthcare decisions, only financial decisions or all decisions — whichever is appointed by the Clerk. If the incompetent individual regains competence in the future, a petition can be submitted and another hearing held to reverse the incompetency declaration.
Mark Eakes won the 50/50 drawing.
President Neil Bowen called the (August) meeting to order, and the club sang the first verse of “America.”
Mickey Benson offered prayer, and everyone enjoyed a meal provided by Oran Benson.
The roll was taken, and the minutes of the July meeting were approved as read. Mickey Benson then gave the treasurer’s report.
In old business, President Bowen reminded everyone to start collecting items for the Oct. 24 auction (starting time, 5 o’clock). Connie Benson will be responsible for advertising for the auction. A motion was passed to move the pancake/sausage breakfast to Aug. 22. President Bowen reported that after comparing insurance premiums, we should keep the coverage we now have.
In new business, a motion was passed to send some flowers and a hundred dollar love gift to Mrs. Francis Foreman. Mrs. Francis cooked meals for the club for many years, and the club wishes her the very best as she deals with health problems.
In other new business, the scholarship money will be sent to the recipients by Aug. 21. Also, President Bowen reported the September breakfast will be on Sept. 19. He also reminded the club that election of officers for 2016 will be held in October. He thanked Oran for the meal and volunteered to have the meal in September.
With no further business, everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance, and the meeting was adjourned.
The Saturday Night Jamboree held its August meeting recently at the Redmen’s Lodge in Washington. Carolyn Jefferson and Tillie Braddy signed in 140 clients with the loving assistance from volunteers Elwood Sprouse and Joyce Carawan.
Doorkeeper Swindell Braddy and Tee Ti Jefferson kept a watchful eye at the door, while DJ Kenny Beacham played music for dancing, listening and toe-tapping pleasure.
Following a blessing offered by Nina Buckman, members of BCDC Arc of Beaufort County provided Frank’s pizza and refreshments. Those helping serve included Sandra, Kent and Nina Buckman, Betty Roscoe, Marvin and Belinda Alligood, and Lisa and Alan Hill. Other helpers included were Marlene and Elwood Sprouse, Kin Wood, Martha Seighman, Tine Woolard, Tillie Braddy, Joyce Carawan and Michael Cutler. A special thanks to Vinnie for coming in on his day off to cook pizza for the Saturday Night Jamboree Clients! Martha Seighman led in singing “Happy Birthday” to all the August honorees.
The next Jamboree will be held at the Redmen’s Lodge in Washington on Sept. 12, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. All mentally/physically-challenged residents and all volunteers are urged to attend. Any person, group or organization wishing to volunteer to provide refreshments or music/entertainment for any Jamboree is urged to contact President Marlene Sprouse at 252-946-4350.
Respectfully submitted by Tine Woolard, secretary, SNJ

OFF TO COLLEGE: On Aug. 6, the Pinetown Ruritan Club presented a $500 scholarship to Bradley Smith. Bradley is a 2015 graduate of Washington High School and plans to attend Pitt Community College in the fall.