Washington (evening) Rotary Club
Published 9:19 am Sunday, September 13, 2015

SALVATION ARMY: Head of the local Salvation Army and Washington (evening) Rotary Club member Bruce Rabon spoke to the Club this week about the Salvation Army’s work.
The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday night at the Washington Yacht & County Club in the upper deck overlooking Broad Creek. President David McLawhorn called the meeting to order, Bruce Rabon led in the Pledge of Allegiance, Russell Smith led in the singing of America the Beautiful, and Club Chaplain Bruce Rabon offered a prayer for the upcoming meal.
Following the meal, President McLawhorn called upon program chairman Sam Grimes to introduce the speaker, Club member and head of the local Salvation Army, Bruce Rabon. Rabon began his program by emphasizing that the Salvation Army was first and foremost a church with Sunday services and Wednesday night prayer meeting. One of the interesting things he spoke about was the Salvation Army’s disaster relief assistance. In particular, he told the Club that they have one of the finest commercial kitchens on wheels in the state. He said that recently they served 500 people breakfast, lunch and dinner. He then went on to discuss the Salvation Army’s Christmas mission, which they are actively working on now in September. Finally, he talked about the Kettle Drive at Christmas, which is their major fundraiser of the year. This year the goal is to make the fundraiser an all-volunteer effort. Following his presentation, President McLawhorn presented Rabon with the highly coveted Rotary pen.
Rocky Jacobs was called upon to induct the newest member, Dr. Jay Sullivan, who is on the staff at Beaufort County Community College.
The meeting concluded with the members saying the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.