Farming events to revisit the ‘good old days’
Published 6:17 pm Thursday, October 8, 2015

GOOD OLD DAYS: Demonstrations of life in the good old days will be part of Saturday’s Farm Days, Farm Ways festival, hosted by the Pantego Academy Historical Museum.
CHOCOWINITY — In its quest to raise awareness of farming history, the Beaufort County-based Eastern Antique Power Association is taking part in two special events this month.
First up is Saturday’s Farm Days, Farm Ways, according to association president Stan Hudson of Chocowinity. That event is held in Pantegoand hosted by the Pantego Academy Historical Museum.
“This is the fifth year our tractor club has assisted them,” Hudson said. “We help them to preserve the Beaufort County farm heritage.”
Chester Smith, whose parents attended the old Pantego School, has a dual role in Saturday’s festival. He is a member of the tractor club and helps organize Farm Days, Farm Ways each year.
“We’re just trying to get people familiar with the Pantego museum and let them know where Pantego is,” Smith said.
Raising money is not the main purpose of the festival, Smith added. The free event includes a display of hit and miss engines, corn shellers, a gas-powered washing machine, tobacco equipment and a few antique tractors, all provided by EAPA members.
Other volunteers and museum supporters pitch in and operate a grist mill, apple cider mill, old-fashioned water pumps and barrel train rides for children. Live demonstrations of old-fashioned methods of washing laundry and other household chores in days gone by are also planned.
Tours of the museum are offered throughout the day, and a quilt show has been organized. Live music will be provided, and homemade soup, sandwiches, popcorn, cotton candy and baked goods will be available.
Saturday’s event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., according to Smith. An auction to raise funds for the museum will begin at 1 p.m.
On Oct. 17, the tractor club joins forces with The Arc of Beaufort County for the annual fall festival for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Special needs individuals of all ages as well as their caregivers and families are invited, according to Hudson.
That festival, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., will be held at Hudson’s shop and show grounds on Bear Creek Road west of Chocowinity.
The event is offered free of charge since all expenses are covered by the club and participating sponsors, Hudson said.
“We’ll have tractor rides, antique car rides, barrel train rides, a hayride, old-fashioned water pump station, corn toss and other games,” he said.
Door prizes will be awarded, and those in attendance will feast on hot dogs, pizza, shaved ice, homemade ice cream, popcorn and beverages.
This is the fourth year EAPA has partnered with The Arc for the event.
“At our annual show in the spring we realized our special needs folks were interested, so we decided to do a special day with SandraBuckman of The Arc,” Hudson said.
To reserve a meal ticket for the Oct. 17 festival, or for more information, contact Buckman at 252-945-4414