Hillside hosts annual appreciation day for the grieving
Published 6:53 pm Thursday, October 29, 2015

I’LL FLY AWAY: Balloons bearing messages to loved ones lift off at a past Family Appreciation Day at Hillside Funeral Service and Cremations. The annual event will be held Sunday on the grounds of Hillside.
Losing a loved one has a lasting impact. Grieving can be a long, painful process. To help, one local funeral home is inviting the public to gather and surround themselves with others in the same stage of life.
Sunday, Hillside Funeral Service and Cremations will hold its annual Family Appreciation Day on the grounds. It’s the fifth year they’ve held the event, which features food and music, topped off by a balloon release.
“It’s just basically something that we do for our families, just as a way for them to share their experiences with other families,” said Gregory Purser, Hillside’s director. “We wanted to do it sort of in keeping with our grieving support group. … I’ve found that it really does help to share experiences. I know that we’ve had some people who’ve made friends at the bereavement and support groups.”
During the casual lunch, Hillside’s staff minister, pastor Greg Ramsey, will speak about grief and surviving the loss of a loved one. After, family members of those who’ve passed can write messages to their missing loved ones on balloons. The balloons will be release simultaneously to bring the event to a close for another year.
“Families seem to get a lot out of that,” Purser said.
Purser said anyone is welcome to attend.
“It’s an open invitation. Some people come alone; some people bring their entire family,” Purser said.
It’s an open invitation to be a part of larger community, one that understands loss and learning how to adjust to being without that special family member — essentially turning grief into a celebration of life.
“We enjoy holding the event every year. It’s just nice to be able to give something back to the families. … I hope they take something with them when they leave,” Purser said.
Family Appreciation Day will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at Hillside Funeral Service, 4500 U.S. Highway 264 East, Washington. Attendees are asked to RSVP to 252-975-4500.