Published 7:30 pm Saturday, October 31, 2015

SPICY: On Friday, Seniors lined up for the Grace Harwell Senior Center’s costume contest, part of the annual Halloween party held at the Bobby Andrews Rec Center in Washington. Victoria Tyer, dressed as a salt shaker, with salt’s other half, Bette Hamilton, dressed as pepper, took second place in the contest.
Plenty of partygoers proved Friday that Halloween isn’t just for the young trick-or-treaters of the area. In the morning, members of the Grace Harwell Senior Center in Washington gathered at the Bobby Andrews Rec Center to celebrate Halloween with food, drawings, music and a costume contest. That evening, arts supporters entered the Turnage Theatre at their own risk for Terror at the Turnage II — The Hitchcock Hour, a fundraiser for Arts of the Pamlico. The theatre was made all the more spooky by props mimicking scenes from Alfred Hitchcock movies, as well as “Psycho” playing on the big screen.

GLOOM AND DOOM: Virginia Alene Plog (in the white mask) and Steve Shaklee dressed the part of Gloom and her partner Doom at the Grace Harwell Senior Center’s annual Halloween party. The pair took third place in the costume contest.

FAIRY DUST: Carol Duda’s fairy came complete with pointy ears and wings. Duda won first place in this year’s costumer contest at the Grace Harwell Senior Center’s annual Halloween party.

REAR WINDOW: David Carraway and Lisa Hodges, dressed as the two main characters in the Hitchcock movie “Rear Window,” won best Hitchcock-themed costume at Friday night’s Terror at the Turnage II. Carraway, as Jimmy Stewart’s nosy neighbor character, had quite the time cruising the Turnage in his wheelchair.

NORTH BY NORTHWEST: Karen Sairanen, a cranky, chain-smoking stewardess from the Hitchcock movie “North By Northwest” won best female costume at Terror at the Turnage II, Arts of the Pamlico’s annual Halloween fundraiser. Each winner received of the three main categories — best male, best female, best overall — received a cash prize for their costuming efforts.

PORTABLE: Hal and Garleen Woolard won best overall costume at Terror at the Turnage II — The Hitchcock Hour for their impersonation of the shower from the Hitchcock movie “Psycho,” along with the knife used in that iconic murder scene. Here, Hal Woolard peeks out of his walking shower, complete with showerhead.