Optimist Club of Washington
Published 2:37 pm Sunday, November 8, 2015
Optimist Club of Washington met Nov. 3 at Franks Pizza. President Patty Peebles opened the meeting with discussion on our soccer season and tournament that ended last weekend. The Optimist Club soccer program served over 600 youth. The club appreciates all the response for our raffle that was a success with support from Gregg Ward Photography, Lowes of Washington, Crisp RV, Lee Chevrolet, Inner Banks Outfitters, Office Depot and Extreme Action Park. The winners were: Mickey Jones for the oil change; Mike Goltra won the bike; Kimberly Campbell won the grill; Lisa Kidwell won the iPad; Ms. Balon won the skate park party; Lonnie and Carolyn Woolard won the oil change; Austin Alonzo won the recliner; and Brett O’Brien won the headphones.
The club discussed the Eastern Athletic Conference soccer tournament that will be hosted in Washington on Nov. 14. Volunteers were organized for the concessions, gate collection, team check-in and team organization. Washington Optimist will have seven teams participating in the tournament. Thank you to Coaches Tallcott, Glover, Martinez, Correa, Figueroa, Castillo and Osborn, along with the assistant coaches and team managers for their continued time working with the all-star players for the tournament.
After the holidays, we will be advertising our essay contest, oratorical contest and scholarship award programs. These are opportunities for area youth to receive college scholarship awards.
Our next meeting will be at Ne’er Do Well on Nov.17 at 6:30 p.m. for our installation banquet and Optimist recognition. Our regular meetings are at Frank’s Pizza the first and third Tuesday nights from 7-8 p.m. New members are welcome.
For more information about the Optimist Club of Washington, visit www.optimistclubwashington.org or optimistclub@gotricounty.com. Find us on Facebook.