BCCC Briefs: Nov. 15, 2015
Published 2:35 pm Saturday, November 14, 2015
Golf tournament a fundraising success
The PotashCorp-Aurora BCCC Foundation Golf Tournament, held on Oct. 16 at the Washington Yacht & Country Club, was a remarkable fundraising success, netting more than $16,000 that will be used for the sole purpose of providing emergency grants for students in financial need.
“Without the support of the community we would not have been able to generate these funds, which will directly benefit students who need help,” says BCCC Foundation Executive Director Serena Sullivan. “Emergency grants are provided to cover tuition, fees and books when a student faces unforeseen challenges such as health issues, the loss of a family member or loss of employment. We don’t want those circumstances to be compounded by having to drop out of school for financial reasons.”

GOLF TOURNAMENT: The BCCC Foundation’s annual golf tournament is its largest fundraiser and directly supports emergency student grants.
The fundraising total, which was significantly higher than recent years of the tournament, was made possible by local businesses that sponsored the tournament or donated raffle items. Sullivan says the number of items raffled increased to more than 50.
Participation in the tournament itself was also strong, with 20 teams of four golfers competing. The teams were flighted based on each golfer’s handicap.
In the Championship Flight, the winning team was Cornell McGill, Sam Leggett, Tim Satchell and Willie Wilson; and second place went to Ben Cole, Charlie Rasmussen, Paul Manning and Tom Ross. In the First Flight, the winning team was Bill Wall, Jeff Larson, John Hudson and Tom Haislett; and second place went to Andy Franklin, Davey Toler, Eric Slade and Steve Beckel. In the Second Flight, the winning team was Henry Stancill, Mark Jungers, Mickey Knox and Reggie Beamon; and second place went to Holden Cox, Jim Challis, Shawn Carter and Wes Williams. Prizes were also awarded for Closest to the Pin on holes 5, 10, 13 and 15.
The major sponsors of the tournament were PotashCorp-Aurora, Lee Chevrolet-Buick, Park Boat Company, Rod Cantrell CFP, CenturyLink, First South Bank, JKF Architecture, P & G Manufacturing, Tayloe Hospital Pharmacy, Tideland EMC, Trader Construction Co., Tri-County Telecom, Vidant Beaufort Hospital and the Vidant Medical Center Community Training Center.
Ted Clayton, BCCC welding instructor, made the trophies for the event.
For more information about the BCCC Foundation, contact Sullivan at 252-940-6326 or Serena.Sullivan@BeaufortCCC.edu.
Gerard named to statewide leadership committee
BCCC’s Vice President of Continuing Education Stacey Gerard has been appointed to the Workforce Development Leadership Committee (WDLC), an advisory group consisting of senior continuing education administrators from community colleges across the state.
The WDLC provides insight to the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) on a broad range of issues impacting policy, programs, technology and strategic initiatives. The group is designed to mirror the diversity of the state’s 58 community colleges in terms of geography, size and structure, bringing together administrators with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.
Gerard will serve a three-year term on the WDLC, which meets monthly — five times per year in Raleigh and seven conference calls annually. Her term will begin as of the first meeting of the 2016 on Jan. 13.
“We are proud of Stacey and know that she will excel in this role, providing valuable input to the system office and helping to ensure that the state’s community colleges are successfully meeting the needs of both its people and its industries,” says BCCC President Dr. Barbara Tansey.
Veterans honored with breakfast
BCCC’s Student Government Association held a breakfast and coffee hour in the student lounge on Thursday, Nov. 12 to honor all veterans, and especially those who are members of the college’s faculty and staff. The students, along with Student Activities Coordinator Theresa Edwards, created a bulletin board honoring those who served, along with a table featuring photographs of the veterans in uniform and a tribute letter written by former U.S. Marine Carmen O’Neal.
Second Beau-Fitt brown bag lunch set for Tuesday
The Beau-Fitt campaign began last month and has seen solid participation, with members of the community, students, faculty and staff participating in the kickoff event. Activity on BCCC’s fitness trail (IMFITT) has increased dramatically. The second brown bag lunch will be held at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 17 in Building 4, room 102.
Laurel MacKenzie, registered dietician at Vidant Beaufort Medical Center, will speak on the topic of nutrition. Giveaways this month will include a Vidant Wellness Membership, a six-month Fitness Unlimited membership with three months of personal training, a BCCC gym membership and a Nutri-Bullet shake machine.
ConEd offers gift certificates
For anyone looking for thoughtful gifts this Christmas, BCCC’s Continuing Education Division offers gift certificates that can be used for any of its classes and programs. Know someone who would like to learn more about topics from knitting, photography, dog training, welding, gardening or cake decorating? Maybe someone who’d like to train as a truck driver, firefighter, or EMT, or earn his or her High School Equivalency? A BCCC Continuing Education gift certificate makes a perfect stocking stuffer. For more information, call 252-940-6375.
Upcoming Continuing Education classes
There are several informative and useful classes remaining in November and December in the BCCC Continuing Education Division. They include:
Outlook and Opportunities for Investors with Jordan Cantrell, 6-8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 17, Building 8, room 821. Learn how to read the prevailing winds with investment strategy and market commentary. Learn how to invest during a bear market. Registration fee is $10.
Defensive Driving, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 21 or 5:30-9:30 p.m., Dec. 7, Building 8, room 828. Learn to drive defensively for the sake of family, friends, yourself, and the other drivers on the road in this four-hour course. This class will satisfy the requirements of many businesses that employ drivers, and may also help get a ticket reduced. Registration fee is $60.
Real Estate General Update and Elective, 6-10 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, Nov. 17 and 19, Building 8, room 824. This course will satisfy the requirements for renewal of an annual real estate license. Registration fee is $50.
Vehicle Safety Inspection, 5-9 p.m., Nov. 23-24, Building 2, room 108. This course is designed to prepare auto technicians and service personnel as safety inspectors for motor vehicles. Registration fee is $70.