John Small student recognized for honesty
Published 4:45 pm Tuesday, March 22, 2016

HONESTY: John Small Elementary School fourth-grader Abigail “Abby” Lewis was selected at the school’s nominee for the Beaufort County Schools’ March character education winner. The trait this month is honesty. Sherrie Swain, her teacher, wrote, “Abby is one of the most honest and trustworthy students I have had the pleasure to teach. There have been many times that Abby has told the truth even though it might not necessarily be in her best interest. I know that if I want the truth, I just need to ask Abby. One specific time was when there were students picking on another student in class. Although this student is not someone who Abby regularly hangs out with, when I asked Abby if she had seen anything, she told the truth even though others would not say. She then played with the student at recess to try to make her feel better. This shows great strength of character. Abby stands up for what is right, and the entire class knows it. It is for these reasons that I nominate Abigail Lewis.” When asked her reaction when she found out she’d won, Abby said she thought her teacher was joking. Abby’s mom was thrilled about the honor and plans to make the celebration a family affair. Abigail has a twin brother at JSS and an older sister at Washington High School.