Washington (evening) Rotary inducts new member
Published 7:06 pm Friday, March 25, 2016

FRESH FACES: Lynn Gold is the Washington (evening) Rotary Club’s newest member. Gold (center) is picture here with her Rotary sponsor, Malissa Jarvis (left), and Past District Governor Lee Adasms (right).
The (evening) Rotary Club of Washington met Thursday night at the Washington Yacht & Country Club. After a period of fellowship, the members gathered in the Pamlico Room for their meal and meeting. Rocky Jacobs called the meeting to order and Sam Grimes led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Russell Smith led in one verse of “America” and gave thanks for the evening meal. Bill Wall gave an update on the upcoming Charlie Griffin fishing tournament to be held June 4. Sponsorships are coming in, but many contacts still need to be made. Before the evening program, Lynn Gold was inducted as the club’s newest member. Lynn was sponsored by Malissa Jarvis and installed by Past District Governor Lee Adams. Mrs. Adams and her husband, Ed, were guests and presented the evening program. Lee started by quizzing the members about the Rotary Foundation and its history. After an informal session of questions and answers, she explained the various ways to establish your own Rotary Legacy through the Foundation. The Rotary Foundation is known worldwide for its commitment to effective programs that make a real difference in people’s lives. After a very informative program, the meeting came to an end as Zeno Edwards led members in reciting the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.