Washington (evening) Rotary hears from youth leaders
Published 3:34 pm Friday, April 8, 2016
The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday, April 7, at the Washington Yacht & Country Club.

YOUTH LEADERSHIP: Washington (evening) Rotary Club program chairman Trip Bliley (left) presented Deborah Gardener (right) and Kerwin King (middle), both students at Beaufort County Early College High School, at Thursday’s meeting. The students spoke about their experiences at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program.
Following a time of fellowship, the members gathered in the Upper Deck overlooking Broad Creek. After calling the meeting to order, President David McLawhorn asked Judge Sam Grimes to lead the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bartow Houston led in the singing of “America the Beautiful” and then offered the blessing.
After the meal, Bill Wall gave an update on the annual “Charlie Griffin Memorial Fishing Tournament,” a major fundraising event, from which the club disperses funds in support of both local entities and worldwide Rotary International endeavors.
Program chairman Trip Bliley III presented two students enrolled in the Early College program at Beaufort County Community College, Deborah Gardner and Kerwin King, who told of their experiences as participants in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program.
This intense and fun-filled weekend brings together eastern North Carolina 11th-graders to further develop character, leadership skills and to learn about Rotary. This event is held at the Eastern 4-H Center in Columbia.
Following their presentation, questions for them from some members, and recitation of Rotary’s Four-Way Test, President McLawhorn adjourned the meeting, challenging each person to “be a gift to the world.”