Students complete law enforcement program
Published 4:20 pm Monday, May 2, 2016

GRADUATES: Daniel Babos, Brandon T. Cherry, John B.P. Kidwell, John B. Melvin, Jessica L. Stewart and Parker A. Woolard graduated from BCCC’s Basic Law Enforcement Training program.
From Beaufort County Community College
Six students graduated from Beaufort County Community College’s Basic Law Enforcement Training program on April 21. Daniel Babos of Blounts Creek, Brandon T. Cherry of Washington, John B.P. Kidwell of Williamston, John B. Melvin of Swan Quarter, Jessica L. Stewart of Greenville and Parker A. Woolard of Washington were honored at the ceremony.
Daniel Cahoon of the N.C. Highway Patrol was the guest speaker for the graduation.
Larry Barnes, director of the BLET program, acknowledged members of local law enforcement departments, such as the Washington Police Department, Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office and Hyde County Sheriff’s Office, in the audience. Many of them are instructors or former graduates of the program. The current cohort of BLET students was also present.
The BLET program is designed to give students essential skills required for entry-level employment as law enforcement officers with state, county or municipal governments, or with private enterprise.
The program utilizes State Commission-mandated topics and methods of instruction.
General subjects include, but are not limited to, criminal, juvenile, civil, traffic and alcoholic beverage laws; investigative, patrol, custody and court procedures; emergency responses; and ethics and community relations.
Successful graduates receive a curriculum certificate and are qualified to take certification examinations mandated by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and/or the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission.
The training program at BCCC is currently open for enrollment. The start date for the fall 2016 BLET Academy is Aug. 16. Pre-orientation will be Aug. 3, by which time students should have filled out their BLET packet.
For more information, contact Pauline Godley at 252-940-6232 or Larry Barnes at 252-940-6228.