Memorial Day Service held in Van Horne Auditorium
Published 9:54 pm Tuesday, May 31, 2016
About 50 people attended the annual Tyrrell County Memorial Day Service at 8 a.m., Sunday, May 29, in Van Horne Auditorium.
Haywood Davenport of Columbia, former lieutenant in the U.S. Coast Guard, was principal speaker.
“We pay tribute to those who fell when we serve our fellowman, when we serve our country, when we participate in our goverment, and when we vote,” Davenport told his audience.
The program opened with Richard Edwards, Columbia High School band director, playing the National Anthem and Dallas Simmons and Joseph Reynolds raising the flags.
Elmo Hassell, commander of Glynn T. Cahoon Post 10659 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Edwards sang “Praying Hands.”
Davenport spoke.
Leroy Spivey and Bill Ray Hill laid a wreath in memory of armed forces servicemembers who died in service as Edwards played “Taps.”
Rev. Joe Wynns, U.S. Marine Corps retired, prayed the benediction.
The local VFW post hosted the event, and Hassell presided.
He paid special tribute to the three World War II veterans present: Dan Davis, Bobby Mitchell, and Virginia Voliva.