Youth chorale to create next generation of musicians

Published 8:16 pm Thursday, September 29, 2016

Beaufort County Choral Society is assembling a very special element for its Christmas concerts this coming holiday season — a children’s choir.

On Oct. 6 at 5:30 p.m., BCCS is inviting all children interested in singing with the children’s youth chorale to meet in the common room of the Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center on West Main Street in downtown Washington. The group will perform two of the choral society’s six Christmas concerts: Dec. 9 at the Turnage Theatre and Dec. 11 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Bath.

According to BCCS secretary and treasurer Phil Adams, starting a youth chorale is a way for BCCS to create a new generation of musicians in a time when funding for the arts in schools has dropped dramatically.

“We were surprised to find the number of high schools, middle schools, that do not have a chorale music program,” Adams said. “We wanted to try to start something in that neighborhood with good, quality musicians.”

Adams said children and music go hand in and hand, as learning music develops can impact a child’s learning.

“Having a strong musical background helps a lot in other academics, because it’s the discipline of learning the music,” Adams said.

It’s something he witnessed as his own children were growing up, and even now, when they are well into adulthood, he said.

“One of the things we found, in our family … (our children) had musical training because we had musical training,” Adams said. “it’s one thing you never forget, and you always use as you get older. Our kids continue to use it now and the youngest is 42.”

Children ages first grade through high school are invited to join the youth chorale, though if a child is in fourth grade or younger, an adult will need to accompany the child to rehearsals. The cost is $40 per child; for those with more than one child, the price drops by $10 per child, up to a family maximum fee of $100. Adams said scholarships are available based on need.

For more information about the youth chorale, email or visit the BCCS Facebook page.

The Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center is located on the first floor of the Peterson Building, 310 W. Main St., Washington.