11-year-old raises money for Blounts Creek

Published 7:51 pm Monday, October 3, 2016

Eleven-year-old Dilon Wilson and his sidekick-helper Blake Cooley present $300 in cash and ticket stubs to Cotton Patch Landing owner Pam Daniels. Dilon is working hard to sell raffle tickets for a handcrafted kayak-canoe made by Blounts Creek resident Ed Rhine. Dilon wanted to help Save Blounts Creek from a potential threat to the creek’s ecology posed by a proposed limestone mine in southern Beaufort County so that his generation can continue to catch blue crabs forever from the creek’s docks. All proceeds from the raffle are being donated to Sound Rivers to help with the legal costs associated with challenging a state-issued petition for freshwater discharge into Blounts Creek. For more information about the raffle, contact Ed Rhine at edwardrhine@yahoo.com or call 252-975-1568. The drawing will be held at Smoke on the Water’s dragon boat races on Oct. 22.