Pungo Christian holds mock election

Published 5:30 pm Monday, November 14, 2016

Melinda Paul’s ninth-grade “American Government” class at Pungo Christian Academy planned and carried out a school-wide mock election. On Nov. 2, the ninth-grade students visited every grade level and talked to them about the importance of voting. For the younger grades, pre-kindergarten through fourth, they read the children’s book, “If I Ran for President,” registered each student for the election, and hung up signs around the school. On Nov. 7, students and staff voted. Learning to vote is important for all ages, so we designed ballots that would be appropriate for the different age groups: a pre-K ballot for favorite food and color; a simplified ballot for kindergarten through fourth grade; and a portion of the state’s sample ballot for older students and staff. Results were tallied and posted for the school to see. The Republican candidates in all the races won with a 90-plus-percent majority. Paul’s students were very proud of this project and had a really good time. The students in all grade levels seemed to really enjoy it, too. The hope for this project was to make young people aware that voting is important.
