Wharton Station Ruritan hosts February meeting
Published 3:31 pm Friday, February 17, 2017
Obed Brabble called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. on Valentine’s Day. Carolyn Tyson led the “Song of America.”
Buddy Harris said the blessing. The meal was served and prepared by Buddy and Lynda Harris. We had ham, corn and beans, yams, rolls, pickles, plus two desserts and drinks.
Cooks for March are Goldie Rabon and Freeman Weiner.
Secretary Karen Ball read the minutes. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Buddy Harris and seconded by Ruby Manning.
The treasurer’s report was read by Harold Tyson.
A vote was called on where to have the Christmas dinner. The options were Deadwood or the Hitching Post. The vote was 9 to 3 in favor of the Hitching Post. Gail Vickers will call for reservations.
We voted to give a scholarship to Amanda Connelly. All voted for her. A motion was made by Jeff Edwards to accept and seconded by Buddy Harris.
The club voted to send $300 to the national club when the time comes. The motion to accept was made by Buddy Harris and seconded by Jeff Edwards.
The club had 12 people in attendance: Buddy and Lynda Harris, Carlton and Ruby Manning, Harold and Carolyn Tyson, Bryan and Phyllis Weatherington, Obed Brabble, Karen Ball, Jeff Edwards and Gail Vickers.
We said the Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion to dismiss was made by Carolyn Tyson and was seconded by Jeff Edwards.
We dismissed at 8 p.m.