Beaufort County Grange celebrates agriculture

Published 1:47 pm Monday, March 20, 2017

From North Carolina Grange

Thursday, the Beaufort County Grange brought 145 community members, leaders and elected officials together to celebrate the agriculture community of Beaufort County.

Beaufort County Grange, Beaufort County Farm Bureau and the Beaufort County Extension office hosted the dinner and celebration. Awards were presented to community members, and special guest, national Grange President Betsy Huber, and North Carolina President Jimmy Gentry were in attendance.

Ronnie and Richard Huettmann, owners of Acre Station Meat Farm, were in attendance to receive the Beaufort County Grange Agribusiness of the Year award. The brothers began working in the family meat farm at ages 16 and 19, and pride themselves on providing fresh meat and groceries, as well as a grill serving breakfast and lunch six days a week.

Timmy Douglas was present and named the Farm Bureau Farmer of the Year for his farm, Douglas Farms. Douglas began working on the farm at a very young age, and presently works with his father Steve and son Austin in the day-to-day operations.

Huber spoke about the importance of agriculture, and the emphasis the National Grange places on making sure the leadership in Washington, D.C., understands how vital it is to our economy.

She relayed that the health care crisis we are facing is directly impacting rural America, especially farmers. She also spoke of the work with tax reform and getting broadband to rural areas, so that the farmers may have the same benefit other business owners have in urban and suburban areas.

N.C. Grange is the parent organization of Beaufort County Grange and is based in Statesville. Founded in 1929, N.C. Grange is a nonprofit, community service, grassroots organization with more than 30 local chapters in North Carolina. N.C. Grange provides unique opportunities for all age groups looking to better themselves and their communities.

AGRIBUSINESS: Ronnie and Richard Huettmann, owners of Acre Station Meat Farm, received the Beaufort County Grange Agribusiness of the Year award. (N.C. Grange)