Write Again … “Butts and bimbos”

Published 4:42 pm Monday, May 22, 2017

Much has been written over the years about J. G. (Choppy) Wagner, the legendary coach at Washington High School.

He came here in 1941, and after a year went into the service. That was in the World War II years, of course. He returned in ’46 and coached (among other sports) the varsity football teams until stepping down after the ’67 season. He is the winningest football coach in the history of the Long Blue Line.

This column will not be about wins and losses, nor myriad honors that came his way. No, I just want to share with you some of the language — “Choppyisms” if you will — this colorful coach gave to us:

“Son, the reason you dropped that ball, was you heard footprints.”

“Boy, you can’t think 2 inches.”

“Now, some of you just want to be a bunch of Friday nighters.”

“Some of you boys got your minds on bimbos.”

“We’re a gonna ride a Trailways bus, and we’re a gonna spend two nights in a motortel.”

“Son, you’re just a sand fiddlin’.”

“You don’t need to be hangin’ out down there with those drugstore cowboys.”

“I can tell which ones of you have been to Miz Carver’s, a drinkin’ Coca Colas and a puffin’ those butts.”

“You must think you’re a couple of ambidexters.” (After an unintended collision.)

And those are just a few of his memorable utterances and pronouncements.

Those sayings, and many others as well, were just a part of what so many boys-to-young-men heard. Those wonderful, memorable Kugler Field days and nights that none of us would have traded or missed out on for the world.

Those days, so long ago, are now treasured memories for those of us who came under the tutelage of this special man.

How fortunate we were, and I believe most of us even knew it at the time.

We who were part of the Long Blue Line.