Write Again … It’s her heart’s desire

Published 1:45 pm Thursday, July 27, 2017

Now, when I talk with my grandchildren on the phone, we often have two-way problems understanding each other.

You see, they — Zach, 18, Lindsay, 15, and Emily, 12 — live in Connecticut, and their father is a native New Yorker. Hence the — dare I say it? — Yankee accents.

Of course, they understand very little of what I say, much of the time. Why, I don’t know. Surely I don’t have a pronounced southern accent.

Zach, I understand best. But he and his sisters are often clueless about what I am saying. Grandpa talks funny.

All of which has little to do with the real substance of today’s column, which is the email the youngest, Emily, sent to her parents April 11, 2015. All of whom live in the same house, of course. Such is today’s world of instant info sharing. Here is what Emily wrote on her iphone.

(Emily’s letter …)

“Dear Mom and Dad,

As you guys know I have been wanting a Maltese puppy. It would mean the world to me if we got one. I promise that I would walk it, feed it, and take it out to go potty. Remember that time when we dog sat the Major’s dog, Chloe? If you do … Lindsay and I loved her so much and we walked her, fed her, and we did everything for her! So if you say that you will do all the work I just want to say that is not true!!! And if it does become true I give you my permission to take away my phone for a week. I also want to say that when we had Pippa, I didn’t get to see her at the shelter so I feel like if the whole family was there we could’ve picked a dog that might’ve been more nice around younger kids like me! You guys are probably going to say no to having a puppy but I sent you this email because I wanted to give it a shot! If we do get a puppy I would like to pick one out with the rest of the family. I love you guys so much and it would be the best summer or birthday present if we got one!!! If you have any questions further notice please email me or feel free to ask me in person!

Thank you,

Your daughter, Emily”

This 10-year-old (at the time) little girl made her case quite well, I feel.

Well, now. That was then, and now is now. Teddy joined his new family July 15. He came as a 13-week-old Cockapoo (part cocker spaniel and part poodle), and is precious beyond words (at least he so appears to us via the magic of pictures flying through the air. The wonder of technology).

And a happy beyond words little girl in New England now has her heart’s desire realized.

They sleep together. Of course.