Richland Seniors Club discuss building repairs
Published 6:40 pm Friday, August 4, 2017
The Richland Seniors met on Aug. 1, with President Ann Cayton opening the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Cathy Fitzgerald singing “God Bless America.”
After a brief meeting, we were invited to member Kathleen Allen’s home to see her 2,500-doll collection. All that could walked over and got a little exercise, at the same time, got a beautiful day and an amazing collection of dolls. Many thanks to Kathleen for sharing.
We voted on repairs on our building: new shutters will soon be installed, as will some much-needed painting on the outside and a pothole to be taken care of in the rear parking lot (we accept all volunteers).
Cathy Fitzgerald will put together and direct a choir made up of our club members. This will be an ongoing project for our club. Many thanks to Cathy for volunteering.
It was reported that member Kathy Gagen in now in a rest home in Pamlico County. We ask members not to forget to visit, send cards, etc.
Kathleen Allen recently turned 95 years young — be sure to wish her many more.
Our June meeting was a day trip to Swansboro. A very interesting tour of the White Oak River and the local islands was enjoyed by all. Lunch at the Ice House Restaurant was outstanding.
Many thanks to our driver George for a safe trip there and back.
Our July 4th meeting was canceled so that members could enjoy the holiday with family.
Ken Lilly gave thanks for lunch, and fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Submitted by Alice Briley, club coordinator