Training to help the public
Published 3:45 pm Wednesday, August 9, 2017
- COMMUNICATION: Students learn communications skills to help them work with victims of crime, along with civil process and traffic enforcement, in the classroom.
Law enforcement is a field where the ramifications of inadequate training are hard to reverse. An officer who is unfamiliar with the latest equipment or who lacks training around a variety of scenarios could jeopardize his own safety and the safety of others.
Beaufort County Community College’s basic law-enforcement training program uses the latest in vehicles and weapons, and communications training, to give the next class of law enforcement graduates the skills they need to succeed.
Law enforcement agencies are shifting their focus to build relationships with the communities they patrol. Good community relations can help police officers gather information and build trust so that residents are willing to pick up the phone and call the police if they feel that their safety is at risk.
BCCC BLET graduate and Washington Police Department Detective Ji Paramore said that officers’ main duty is helping people.
“Some of the topics we covered taught us how to help people prevent crime. We tell them what kinds of locks to use, what security systems are effective,” Paramore said.
When Paramore finished the program in 2006, he admits he was intimidated. Every student, whether a medical office technician or a police officer, can get nervous when first dealing with the public. He said he has learned to relax his demeanor to start building trust through his interactions. Paramore went on to finish an associate degree in criminal justice.
The training at BCCC covers patrol duties, civil process, investigating human trafficking and controlled substances, arrest techniques, and search and seizure. An entire section covers communication skills, such as working with victims, ethics and working with people with mental illness.
The program prepares students with practical skills such as driving, first responder medical training and weapons skills using the latest technology. The college uses Glock 40-caliber handguns, the preferred weapon of police departments, and it has purchased 2011 and 2012 Dodge Chargers, which are retired patrol cars, to give students access to the vehicles and weapons they will use in the field. The cost of program factors in equipment and ammunition, so students are not burdened with any additional costs.
With the right equipment and the right communication skills, BCCC can put more police officers in the field who can stay safe and keep the public safe.
The BLET program begins Aug.16. Contact Larry Barnes at or 252-940-6228 for more information.