Evening Rotary host psychiatrist Dr. Philip Ninan

Published 4:31 pm Friday, August 11, 2017

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday at the Washington Yacht & Country Club.

Following a time for fellowship in the Upper Deck, members assembled in the Pamlico Room, where President Todd Williamson convened the meeting.

Prior to the meal, the group recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang “America the Beautiful,” and a blessing was offered.

After the meal, Bartow Houston gave the Health & Happiness report. President Williamson then called upon Trip Bliley, program chairman for the evening, who introduced the speaker, Dr. Philip Ninan.

A board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Ninan gave an interesting, informative and intellectually stimulating explication of the multiplicities of functions of the mind and brain.

Space constraints don’t allow for reportage that even begins to do justice to Dr. Ninan’s riveting presentation. Numerous questions from his audience were testimony to the level of interest engendered among club members.

Dr. Ninan is associated with eMind Science Corporation, an entity that offers eMindLog, an interactive mobile health App and key to an ecosystem designed to enable self-measurement of the vital signs of the mind. Users can track emotions, thoughts and behaviors along with other subjective experiences.

Following the excellent presentation, the speaker was given a “highly coveted” Rotary pen.

Members recited the Rotary Four-Way Test, after which President Williamson declared the meeting adjourned.