Aldermen adopt resolution of respect for Wheless

Published 10:46 pm Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Columbia Board of Aldermen on Aug. 7 unanimously adopted the following Resolution of Respect:
“Whereas, Dwight Hernard Wheless passed away June 30, 2017, following a life of extraordinary public service; and whereas, he served as Town Attorney for the Town of Columbia from April 5, 1993 until his death; and whereas, he practiced law in Manteo and in his adopted hometown of Columbia for a combined 49 years; and whereas, he was a member and Past-president of the Columbia Rotary Club; and whereas, he was active in the area and State Bar Associations, The Civil Air Patrol, North Carolina Airports Association and related organizations, St. Andrew’s Episcopal and Columbia Christian churches and Friends of the Tyrrell County Public Library; and whereas, he made a positive and lasting contribution to the Town of Columbia through civic service and community participation, now therefore be it resolved, by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia, that they do hereby honor for faithful service and lasting contribution Dwight Hernard Wheless.
“Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution become a part of the minutes of the Town of Columbia and the original copy be signed by the Mayor and presented to the family of Dwight Hernard Wheless as a form of appreciation.”