Rotary donates to developmental center
Published 5:55 pm Friday, October 27, 2017
Washington (noon) Rotary has again provided funds to support Beaufort County Developmental Center in Washington. This week, Rotary club member Roland Wyman delivered the good news to Chris Kiricoples, chief executive director of BCDC.
“These funds will be used at Christmas time, to provide very essential items for our clients. We thank Washington (noon) Rotary for their continued support,” Kiricoples said.
The Beaufort County Developmental Center’s mission is to empower citizens with developmental challenges through service alternatives which promote self-direction, self-advocacy and self-reliance. Services include: adult day services; Beaufort Area Transit System; child development services; and residential services. The organization operates seven facilities throughout Washington. For more information, contact or call 252-946-0151.
Washington (noon) Rotary consists of volunteers within Beaufort County dedicating their efforts to charitable causes both locally and those to which its parent organization subscribes.
Each year, this local group has raised and disbursed funds to local non-profits through creative fundraising activities. Find out more at or the Washington (noon) Rotary page on Facebook.