Down East Seniors hear from Washington Housing

Published 3:47 pm Friday, November 3, 2017

The Down East Seniors Club held its Nov. 1 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Stewart Rumley led the meeting. Jim Hackney played for the singing of “God Bless America,” and Charles Smith gave the invocation. Ed Hamrick read factoids for the date in history, and Dick Paul provided humor.

Chip Ide reminded the club that the Christmas party will be Dec. 20, at the Washington Yacht & Country Club. Cost will be $28 per person.

Program Chairman Rudy Burns introduced Kemba Hopkins, executive director of the Washington Housing Authority. Hopkins accepted this position recently after working in affordable housing for 20 years in other parts of the state. She said the city created WHA in 1961, and it now includes six public-housing developments and one rural development in the city. There are a total of 383 public housing units. The housing is available for low-income families, and most of the guidelines for it are set by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Gene Schwartz won the 50/50 drawing.