Down East Seniors get visit from Bright Futures
Published 5:53 pm Friday, June 22, 2018
The Down East Seniors Club held its June 20 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Gary Brinn led the meeting. Jim Hackney played for the singing of “God Bless America,” followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Polk Culpepper gave the invocation and Ed Hamrick read factoids for the date in history.
The club welcomed Tom Meeks as a new member.
Chip Ide announced that a reservation has been made at the country club for the Christmas party on Dec. 19.
Ide introduced Robin McKeithan as the speaker. McKeithan spoke about Bright Futures Beaufort County. BFBC is a non-profit organization that helps meet the basic needs of students in the county schools. When a teacher sees an unmet need (such as clothing, school supplies, medical needs, etc.) it is to be reported to the school counselor to be forwarded on to the county director of student services. The director of student services sends it to BFBC which posts it on their Facebook page to solicit community donations. BFBC also partners with local businesses and faith-based organizations to help address long term needs such as food and hygiene pantries at schools.
Joe Rose won the 50/50 drawing.