BBB offers tips to parents during Back-to-School season

Published 6:16 pm Friday, August 10, 2018

RALEIGH — While it may seem like the kids just got out of school, now is the time to begin prepping for the upcoming school year. The National Retail Federation estimates back-to-school spending will reach $82.8 billion. With the start date for traditional schools around the corner, parents are left with just a few weeks to complete their shopping. Better Business Bureau serving Eastern North Carolina (BBB) has some helpful tips for parents looking to maximize savings this year.

“Between the price of new clothes, electronics and other supplies, the cost of going back to school can quickly add up,” said Mallory Wojciechowski, president and CEO of Better Business Bureau serving Eastern NC. “In 2017, BBB received over 18,000 complaints nationwide against online and in-person retail stores. We encourage parents to do their homework ahead of time to ensure their money is going to a trustworthy business.”

BBB offers the following tips to parents this back-to-school season:

  • Create a budget. A budget will help shape your shopping list and limit purchases to only items you need.  This will allow you to put money towards larger items or a special purchase.
  • Create a shopping list. Even if you don’t have a school supply list yet, you can still purchase other items early, like school clothing and in-class school essentials such as pens, notebooks and backpacks. Make a list for each child, and start by “shopping at home” for items you may have left over from last year.
  • Research major purchases. When shopping for laptops, calculators, dorm refrigerators, and other large purchases, do your homework. Be sure to check for information on all of the companies you plan on buying from.
  • Ask for student discounts. Many retailers offer discounts to students and teachers with a valid school ID or .edu email addresses. Some of these can be quite substantial, so check around.
  • Don’t miss out on sales. Sign-up for email alerts and download shopping apps for your favorite stores. There are a number of apps that help you find coupons and discounts. Check out stores and apps on BBB before you shop to learn more about previous customers’ experiences.
  • Shop safely online. When shopping from an online website, the first step is to make sure the URL starts with “https” and includes a lock symbol. The “s” in “https” stands for secure, that way you know your information is being protected. Also be sure to look up the website’s privacy policy and contact information. If it is not clearly listed, or they only have an email as the point of contact, take that as a big red flag and shop elsewhere.
  • Buy in bulk. Some schools ask parents to buy items that will be used by the entire class (tissues, hand sanitizer, etc.). Get together with other parents to shop in bulk. Parents of college students can also buy in bulk for snacks, toiletries and other items for future “care packages.”
  • Save your receipts. You’ll need them if you want to make an exchange or return an item. Remember some items are non-refundable or have a limited return period. Consider creating a free email account just for e-receipts; that way you can keep them all in one place and easily search when you need one.

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Better Business Bureau serving Eastern North Carolina is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit corporation serving 33 counties in eastern North Carolina. The organization is funded primarily by BBB Accredited Business fees from over 3,700 local businesses and professional firms. BBB promotes integrity, consumer confidence and business ethics through business self-regulation in the local marketplace. Services provided by BBB include reports on companies and charitable organizations, general monitoring of advertising in the marketplace, consumer/business education programs and dispute resolution services. All services are provided at no cost to the public, with the occasional exception of mediation and arbitration.