Tyrrell County receives grants
Published 1:52 pm Wednesday, August 15, 2018
The Chowan Hospital Foundation on July 31 awarded four grants to Tyrrell County organizations totaling $7,500, Ginny Waff, Foundation executive director, reported.
Below are statements she made about each recipient’s program:
For the past several years, the Inner Banks Hotline in Columbia has worked with middle and high school students to address many of the social issues that affect teens today. This year, they will implement the Total Teen program, to be held during PE classes that are required for all students. Columbia Middle School students will discuss such topics as dangers and avoidance of alcohol and opiate use, teenage pregnancy, substance violence bullying, suicide and depression. Emphasis on positive life choices are stressed to the students. 175 served.
Tyrrell County 4-H Extension Office will offer Home Preservation of Local Foods to its residents this year. The program will consist of four 2-hour classes that teach various home food preservation techniques (hot water bath, pressure canner, freezing, dehydrating) so that tasty and healthy, locally grown foods can be enjoyed year round. Classes will be taught in English and Spanish and will serve 20 individuals
Tyrrell County 4-H will offer MED instead of Meds in the form of four 2-hour education presentations on incorporating the basics of healthy eating that are traditionally practices of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. 15 served. Dee Furlough will lead this, as well as the Preservation of Foods class.
Tyrrell County, like every county in the four-county service area of Vidant Chowan Hospital, is surrounded by water. To that end, the Tyrrell County Board of Education will sponsor Kinder Swim. These swimming and water safety classes, will be offered to all Kindergarten students in Tyrrell County. There will be seven 90-minute classes taught at the Eastern 4-H Center in Tyrrell County 45 served.