More rain, flooding expected
Published 11:38 am Friday, September 14, 2018
More heavy bands of storms are currently heading toward the area.
The National Weather Service is saying that rainfall may cause water levels to go back up over the course of the day. “Bands are coming in. We think that we’re still going to see some rise in the water before it’s all over with,” said Beaufort County Manager Brian Alligood.
Four hundred and fifty people are currently sheltering at Washington High School. Another 200 are in the P.S. Jones Middle School shelter.
Many roads are impassable throughout the county. “The fire departments are doing a great job in keeping road clear that have downed trees, but those that have water on them, there’s not a whole lot we can do right now,” Alligood said.
Both the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office and Washington Fire-Rescue-EMS, along with other volunteer departments, continue to rescue residents from flood waters.
Belhaven officials have checked in, saying that the town is doing OK, and did not request county assets, Alligood said, while Aurora officials have reported “pretty significant flooding.”