Down East Seniors get an education, about education

Published 7:28 pm Friday, February 8, 2019

The Down East Seniors Club held its Feb. 6 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Charles Smith led the meeting. The singing of “God Bless America” was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mike Gwynn gave the invocation and Stewart Rumley read factoids for the date in history.

Tom Meeks introduced Michael Bilbro as the speaker. Bilbro, a member of the Beaufort County School Board, told about some of the current issues affecting the board. Enrollment in the public schools is decreasing due to students moving to charter schools, private schools, christian schools, Northeast Regional School of Biology and Agriculture, early college high school and home school. Since the state provides a fixed amount of funding for each student enrolled, this means the public school system is receiving reduced funding to operate and maintain the same facilities. Discipline is a greater problem in the classroom now, much of it due to mental health issues. However the schools are not receiving enough funding to treat the mental health problems.

Smith won the 50/50 drawing.

At the Feb. 13 meeting, Gwynn will present Ray McKeithan with Nutrien Corp.

The Down East Seniors Club is a group of older men who meet Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. They enjoy fellowship and an interesting program. Guests are welcome.