Richland Seniors learn about Heart Health
Published 7:27 pm Friday, February 8, 2019
The Richland Seniors of Aurora met on Feb. 5. President Ann Cayton called the meeting to order, Kay Austin gave the devotion, and the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance were recited.
Secretary Lib Litchfield called the roll and read the minutes; no treasurer’s report was given in the absence of the treasurer.
The members were thanked for an outstanding job of preparing for the Seniors Christmas party. A record number of guest were in attendance and were entertained with “’Twas The Night Before Christmas” with Ginger Carlson and Ashley Jones performing.
Several angels were picked from the Angel Tree, at S.W. Snowden School to provide Christmas for several families.
Plans were discussed for hosting a dinner for our local Alpha Omega group.
Our club members enjoyed a luncheon at the Hitchin’ Post in Williamston in January with 24 in attendance.
Our speaker was Jennifer Lewis, with Vidant Human Resource with Vidant Beaufort Hospital. She gave a very interesting presentation on Heart Health. We will be contacting her again in the very near future.
The meeting was adjourned, James Parker blessed the food, and fellowship was enjoyed by all.