Saturday Night Jamboree Report

Published 6:26 pm Friday, March 1, 2019

Kathy Scrape, Tillie and Kim Braddy registered 155 clients recently when the Saturday Night Jamboree celebrated Valentine’s Day on Feb. 9. D.J. Kenney Beacham provided music for dancing, while Elwood Sprouse and Michael Cutler kept a close watch on the door.

Volunteers Tine Woolard, Kathy Lilley and Jim Sadler handed out valentines and pencils provided for the exchange of Valentines. Marlene Sprouse conducted activities and led the singing to the February birthday honorees with the help of Joyce Carawan.

Judy Hollis asked a blessing before the volunteers of the Saturday Night jamboree passed out the refreshments (chicken and biscuits from Hardee’s, cookies and sodas) provided by the Saturday Night   Jamboree. Volunteers included: Kin Wood, Jim & Tine Sadler, Kathy Lilley, Michael Cutler, Joyce Carawan, Diane Moore, William Walker, Elwood and Marlene Sprouse

The next Jamboree will be the annual Western Night, March 9, beginning at 5 p.m. ending at 7:30 p.m. Games of BINGO will be held prior to the Redmen serving a barbecue supper, following the regular Jamboree.

All mentally/physically-challenged residents and all volunteers are urged to don their cowboy gear and attend this fun event.

Those wishing to volunteer, provide music or refreshments, or make contributions to the Saturday night Jamboree may call Jamboree President Marlene Sprouse at 252-946-4350.