A message to residents and business owners

Published 12:50 pm Wednesday, March 27, 2019

 From the Town of Columbia

Residents and business owners in the Town of Columbia are reminded that they are required to have street numbers clearly visible on the front of houses and business locations. Such numbers are necessary to provide effective law enforcement, emergency services and other public services within the town. They are especially important during natural disasters such as the flooding of streets and lawns.

The Town Ordinance requires that numbers be displayed in a conspicuous place on the front of all primary buildings on a property. The numbers should be in a color and size legible enough to be seen by the public from the street in front of the building. The minimum size of the number in Arabic numerals should be at least four (4) inches high.

“Folks paint and remodel and often forget to replace the street numbers,” according to Town Manager Rhett B. White. “Periodically we need to be reminded that street numbers are important and are required.”

Persons failing to display the numbers may face a fine.