Columbia Lions Club Peace Poster Contest
Published 3:43 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2019
From the Columbia Lions Club
Again this year the Columbia Lions Club will sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest for students who are ages 11–13 on November 15. The theme of the 2019-20 Peace Poster Contest is “Journey of Peace”.
Artwork must be no smaller than 13 by 20 inches and no larger than 20 by 24 inches. Artwork can not be framed and only one entry per student is allowed. All media is accepted. Chalk, charcoal and pastel entries should be sealed, but do not laminate.
Three-dimensional entries will not be accepted and nothing can be glued, stapled or attached to the artwork. The use of lettering or numbering on the front of the poster is not allowed. Artist signature should be on the back of the poster. All artwork should be done on a flexible material that can be rolled for shipping.
Participants must agree to allow Lions Clubs to use their names, photographs and artwork for promotional and publicity purposes. To view previous winning entries in the Lions Peace Poster Contest, go to www.LionsInternational and look under Youth Programs, Peace Poster Contest. You may also view the 2018-19 Peace Poster Video.
One international grand prize winner will be awarded a cash prize of $2,500.00. The Columbia Lions Club will award a $25.00 check to the local winner. There are also District and State cash prizes. This year winners will be selected from the Columbia and Creswell schools and from entries by home schooled youth. Judging will continue for district and state awards.
All entries must be to the Columbia Lions Club by Friday, October 25 to be judged. For information call 252-796-4966 or 252-202-2330.