Down East Seniors host Boys & Girls Club rep

Published 7:15 pm Friday, October 25, 2019

The Down East Seniors Club held its Oct. 23 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Charles Smith led the meeting. Jim Hackney played for the singing of “God Bless America,” which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mike Gwynn gave the invocation, and Ed Hamrick read factoids for the date in history. Hackney provided humor.

Hackney introduced Donyell Jones as the speaker. Jones is chief operating officer of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Coastal Plains. He said the mission of the clubs is to enable all young people, especially those who need the guidance of the club the most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. This group of 17 clubs in seven counties covers 4,800 square miles, the largest group of Boys & Girls Clubs in the country. The afterschool program provides a hot meal when the children arrive, an hour for homework, and the remaining time until the 7 p.m. closing for an organized enrichment activity. There is also a full day program during the summer. The five guiding principles of operation for the clubs are: safe relationships, safe environments, opportunity to try new things, recognition and having fun. The intended outcomes are academic achievement, good character and good health. Much of the funding for the clubs comes from contributions given by individuals and businesses.

Smith won the 50/50 drawing.

At the Oct. 30 meeting, Roy Whichard will present Harold Robinson Jr., as the speaker.

The Down East Seniors Club is a group of older men who meet Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. They enjoy fellowship and an interesting program. Guests are welcome.
