N.C. Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources public sites closed
Published 1:12 pm Wednesday, March 18, 2020
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From N.C. Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources
RALEIGH — In accordance with Gov. Roy Cooper’s Executive Order 117, and to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in North Carolina, the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will suspend public operations at all locations, except state parks and trails until further notice. In an abundance of caution, the suspension of public operations will allow the Department the opportunity to assess our facilities to consider possible modifications that could ensure appropriate social distancing.
The suspension of operations includes the North Carolina museums of art, history and natural sciences, including regional museums; state historic sites; state aquariums and Jennette’s Pier, the North Carolina Zoo; the State Library of North Carolina and the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; the State Archives, including regional archive offices; and the North Carolina Symphony.
North Carolina state parks and recreation area trails and restroom facilities will remain open, but visitor centers and campgrounds will be closed. Visitors to state parks are encouraged to practice social distancing.
The Museum Park at the N.C. Museum of Art will also remain open. Visitors to the Museum Park are encouraged to practice social distancing.
A complete list of DNCR sites can be found on our website at www.ncdcr.gov.
All department events, programs and tours have been canceled during this time.
Until our sites reopen for visitors, the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources offers a myriad of virtual experiences. You can visit many DNCR sites virtually through NC DIT’s 360 experience at nc.gov/nc360. Or visit our website at www.ncdcr.gov to explore our online collections, podcasts, videos, and other resources.
For up-to-date information, please visit our website and social media channels.
More information on health precautions can be found at the NCDHHS website at ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus.