I hit the wife lottery

Published 3:15 pm Monday, July 24, 2023

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A man told me at one of the book signings recently that a man’s wealth is his wife.  I do not need to win the lottery if this is true. My wife, Tracey, has never met a stranger and can converse with anyone.  She keeps me straight and that is hard to do.

Oh, she tells me what to do but in a gentle way and sometimes she has to scold me.  Everybody loves Tracey. My age group adopted her before our marriage since coming from Greenville, like an ‘Old Shoe”.  She can make any of my friends feel at home once they arrive at our house.

She can market any item.  Through her years in the retail clothing business, she cannot be beat!  She sold over 150 books in just four days for me through social media and in person.  We have ordered more since we sold out of the first group and we have maybe five left and we will have more book signings when this group arrives.  She planned each event and lugged books in and out of every location and set things up.

She cooks, washes clothes and handles our finances plus she is the family doctor. Some have separate checking accounts, but she puts it into one. She is smart with a dollar, because of Ms. Reba and Mr. Otha”s upbringing just like her sisters, Wendy and Kim.

Our Class of 1967 has accepted her like one of their own! She is 12 years their junior but they are always welcomed in our home because of Tracey.   Still, everyone loves Tracey, including me!  Thank you, Tracey for having several good book signings and we will have another as soon as we catch our breath.

They were the best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places, Washington, N.C.!  The Original Washington!

Harold Jr