Moms were everywhere when I was growing up

Published 5:14 pm Monday, December 25, 2023

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Moms are special this time of year. Growing up, we didn’t have many moms who worked and if they did, they worked after the kids were grown. Moms kept peace in the home. They washed clothes and cleaned the house, they would sometimes haul us to and from practices and were the doctors in the house, if Dr. Dave wasn’t available.

They were everywhere and did everything while our dads worked. They were cheerleaders when dads worked. They were den mothers to us that were in the Cub Scouts. They were everywhere.

After we were grown up, mom went to work with my dad, like many other moms did. She was the most reliable person that dad could hire. She was always punctual and saw to it that others were punctual too. She stayed until dad got back from his job-farming. She had a vested interest in the dry cleaners because both jobs sent Rose Ann and I to prep school and college.

Moms made everything okay. They saw to it that Santa Claus was good to us children. Many moms did this and to not leave anyone out, but it would be great to mention a few; Virginia Gerard, Doris Roach, Mary Walker, Sallie Singleton, Betsy Litchfield, Droops Rodman, Nancy Hill, Erin Tayloe, Doris Nolley, Dora Singleton and Mildred Renn.

Thanks to these ladies who had an important role in my and many other young men’s life.  It takes a village to raise a child, never a phrase that so is important in a small town. Never know how many they were and plenty others too.

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. Thank you for reading my articles each week.

They were the best times with the best of friends and in the best of places Washington, N.C! The Original Washington!


Harold Jr.