Latest Columns


Write Again . . . it’s the mightiest force

Today’s offering, friends, was written by me a long time ago. In 1970, to be more precise. Called ...


Accountability can mend brokeness

When we look at the technical definition of accountability, it’s being responsible for one’s action and or consequences. ...


What should I be doing in my yard right now?

Given the warm weather we had last week and the mild temperatures in the latter part of this ...

My Turn

Chinese influence in the Americas

I was in the U.S. Air Force from 1963 to 1967 and was proud of it. I dedicated ...


My family’s wonderful legacy

As I prepare to share some of Washington’s amazing African American History for Black History Month, I want ...


It’s always great when friends visit

Last Wednesday two of my teammates from Randolph Macon took me out to lunch. Tommy Tucker and John ...


Commit to being excellent to each other

Just before bed, after you’ve brushed your teeth, you take one last look in the mirror before turning ...


Write Again . . . Such a really big event

Hello, friends. As always, thanks for joining me here. Hope today’s endeavor won’t seem a bit of just ...


Edgeworthia: A winter wonder for Eastern North Carolina gardens

We’re getting closer to spring, but I’m still on my winter writing break. Here’s another article from Extension ...

My Turn

Zoning use in the Chocowinity Industrial Park

Reading through the minutes for the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners, I noticed that the Chocowinity Industrial Park ...

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